App Bau mit dem richtigen App Build Template

Geändert am Do, 11 Jan, 2018 um 5:25 NACHMITTAGS

Please make sure that you always build your apps with the latest build template. So you also benefit from the constant innovations and improvements (eg bug fixes).

Information can be found in our  Release Notes

Or  register for release notes by mail .

The following steps are required to update your build template: 

  • Click on the "Basic Settings" tab or the small "pen" in the "Overview" tab in the app details box (see step 1).
  • You can read the current app template of your app in the overview in the field "App Details" (see yellow box in the 1st picture below).
  • In the menu item "Basic Settings" in the sub-item "Build-Template" (see step 2) select the latest version (see step 3) - the highest version number is the most recent.
  • Please save your settings (see step 4).
  • After that, you still need to rebuild your app by pressing the "Build App" command (see step 5). After a few minutes, the new app is built with the new build template. 
  • You can now easily save the new app files on your computer by clicking on the respective icon in the download area (see step 6) and selecting the desired version from the list (see step 7).  Then you can upload the file as usual in the App Store ("re-submit").

We recommend to buildtest version with the new build template version first. So you can test the new features extensively. For the Sumbit, you need a release app , which you can upload to the App Store as usual ("re-submit"). 

If you use individualized templates, please let us know if an update is possible.

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