General Information

In the following Section, we'll describe the steps necessary in the Purple DS Manager for creating a release app.

This will require some files that were created in previous articles.


Required Files / Certificates

  • Keystore File (incl. Password)
  • Key Alias (incl. Password


Uploading the build files

When opening your App in the Purple DS Manager you'll see the overview of your app. Please click on Build Settings.

  1. In the Android Basic Settings section, upload the keystore file (1.) that you created in this article.

  2. Then enter the password of the keystore file in the second field Storepass (2.).
  3. In the next field (3.) enter the key Alias that you created during the creation of the keystore certificate.

  4. As final step (4.), enter the password for the key alias that you created during the creation of the keystore certificate in the Keypass box.

Once you have entered everything, you can finish the setup by clicking on Save.